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Visitor Visa

A visitor visa as the name suggests is the kind of visa that is required for a visit that is not permanent. There are different kinds of visas in different countries but as per the USA is concerned there are visitor visas that are divided into different types based on the nature of work. The United States of America allows certain activities on visitor visas like business and tourism. Tourism should be a vacation with friends or family already living there. The visitor visas could not be done for studies or paid employment. Similarly, there are different rules and regulations regarding visitor visas as far as other countries are concerned like the United Kingdom, Australia, Europe and New Zealand. But, generally speaking, visitor visas are for visits of a temporary duration.

Since visitor visas are easy to get due to their temporary nature, still it might need some eligibility conditions. There are some basic requirements like the person must be in the possession of having a valid travel document. In this case, it is preferred that it should be the passport of the country of origin. The person must be in good health and to certify this, a proper medical test should be carried out such that there would not be any kind of delay in the visitor visa approval in due course of time. It is also ensured that the person is having no criminal records in the country from which he or she hails. The person should be able to convince the immigration officer in that country that the person has some stable income that can help the person to return to the original country.

The immigration officer focuses on this thing very much because it is the visitor visa. He has to ensure that the person visiting their country does not go bankrupt. Hence, one must have proper documentation showing that they are from a well off family and holds proper assets and has very less liability. A constant source of income helps a lot to convince the immigration officer that the person is not there to stay but will be there for the visit. One must keep in mind that after a stipulated period, the holder of a visitor visa has to return to their country.

In this visitor visa, how Wider Globe can help? Since the person seeking a visitor visa already has a person there, it is not that hard to get the visitor visa application started. But it could be a cumbersome and tedious task for filling out the form. Sometimes, due to compliance factors, the visa application might be delayed. But since we are very compliant in our processing of the application, and that is accompanied by experienced staff and department, we are happy to tell you that once we get the proper documentation from your side, we can properly get the visitor visa. After providing us with the documents, you can stay very tension-free since you would have your visitor visa within 30 days depending upon the different country's processing time.

It is often advisable to visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the visa application processing regarding the countries you want to visit. There are different rules and regulations for different countries. But, if you consult directly with our counsellors, you need not worry much and our experts will be able to guide you in a proper personalised fashion. If you have any doubts regarding the visitor visa, you can consult our experts by either visiting online on our website or through calls or visiting personally at our office that is located nearby your home or office.